"Memory Route" project: sustainable cross-border tourism products for Grivitsa Memorial Park and Turnu Fortress is financed under Priority Axis 2 "Green Region", Specific objective 2.1 "To improve the sustainable use of natural heritage and resources and cultural heritage" within the third call for projects under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program "INTERREG V - A Romania - Bulgaria 2014-2020".
- The leading partner in the project is the Municipality of Pleven
- Turnu Magurele Municipality, Teleorman County is the partner from the Romanian side.
Total project budget – 1,483,905.79 euros, of which:
- Pleven Municipality – 999,089.39 euros
- Municipality of Turnu Magurele – 484,816, 40 euros
Project duration: 61 months 26 days (09/05/2018 - 10/31/2023)

The main goal of the project is to improve the sustainable use of the historical and cultural heritage of Pleven and Turnu Magurele
Grivitsa Memorial Park and Turnu Fortress, identified and mapped sites of the cultural-historical military heritage, will be restored and improved through sustainable investments in tourist infrastructure. A trilingual tourism platform and smartphone application will be created. 5 integrated tourist products and 4 services will be developed, for the market positioning of which a marketing strategy will be developed. The following will be organized: a cross-border festival "Memory Route", during which a historical re-enactment of the Battle of Grivica will take place; military history fair "The Path of Military Memory" and permanent exhibition "Military History in Images - Grivitsa Redoubt and Turnu Fortress". A re-enactment club will be established, trained to re-enact historical events and equipped with authentic weapons, uniforms, etc.
The project also envisages innovative and effective marketing, activities to raise awareness and promote the region as an attractive tourist destination for lovers of cultural-historical and alternative tourism, with the aim of creating new and attractive tourist products and increasing the number of tourists visiting and staying overnight in the region.
In order to outline a medium- and long-term vision and a plan for the preservation and promotion of the cultural-historical heritage in the cross-border area of Pleven-Turnu Magurele and the integrated tourist products and services created within the project, was prepared on marketing strategy with the active participation of stakeholders in the tourism sector in the partner municipalities.
The built complex in Grivitsa Park will have the necessary facilities for organizing military-themed team building events. There will be an opportunity to organize fitness bootcamps (bootcamps) - a complex of physical training programs conducted by special trainers and/or former military personnel; paintball tournaments, as well as on-demand re-enactments of historical military events for educational or entertainment purposes.
The joint approach instead of local/national maximizes the positive effects of the preservation and sustainable use of the cultural heritage of Pleven - Turnu Magurele and benefits the target groups and the program area through:
- improvement of the potential for alternative/thematic tourism of the region;
– developing unique and sustainable products and services equally attractive to both tourists and local residents;
– better management of tourist flows from Pleven through Nikopol to Turnu Magurele and back;
– Increasing interest in the area on the part of potential visitors (tourists) and tour operators;
– Improving the quality of life of local residents;
– Increasing the historical self-awareness and self-esteem of local residents as well as visitors.